Tuesday 13 September 2016

My Kindergarten Classroom ❤️

It's official, I have survived my first week and a half as a Kindergarten teacher and finally feel sane enough to reflect on how things have been going so far. I've been so fortunate to have two rooms to work with, which means plenty of space for my Kinders and I to spread out. The highlights of our classroom have definitely been our button carpet for whole group meetings (thanks Ikea!), our block/construction center and our dramatic play center which is currently a house that often functions as a grocery store as well. "Our Brightest Work" bulletin board already features September self-portraits and samples of how my students print their names. I was aiming for a bright, home-y and cheery room that didn't have too many distractions all while on a first year teacher budget.The hard work this summer definitely paid off and I love spending the day in our classrooms! In addition to being blessed with a double classroom, I am also so lucky to have a working relationship with the teacher whose maternity leave I am filling which means she graciously left all of her resources, read-aloud books, toys and manipulatives for this year's Kinders to enjoy. The before and afters of my room are not overly dramatic as it was already set up beautifully (for a K/1 classroom) but I am proud of the changes none the less!
Our front classroom before - looking in from the door (mid-moving day)
Our front classroom after 

Our front classroom before

Our front classroom after 
Classroom library before 
Classroom library after with our family wall 

Old math center... 

Turned new dramatic play center!

Play area before

Play area after - now the construction and building area with the writing center to the left and sand table in front

Back classroom after 
Back classroom after

Our science and observation station in the back classroom which is currently host to a few old wasps' nests